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The NRH Centre strives to provide an environment that is welcoming, comfortable and safe for the greatest number of our patrons. All NRH Centre patrons have the right to:

• Respectful, helpful, and friendly service
• A clean and well-organized facility
• A timely response to concerns

The following Code of Conduct is applicable to all who visit or participate in NRH Centre programs, services, events, and activities.  Behaviors displayed or deemed unacceptable on NRH Centre property may result in removal from the NRH Centre, loss of NRH Centre privileges for up to six months or law enforcement intervention.

As a NRH Centre patron, member, participant, or guest you agree to:

  • Understand that the NRH Centre is a controlled access facility.  All persons entering the facility must have a membership, day pass, participate in a fee-for-service recreation program, or are a guest attending a private reservation event.


  • Behave in a courteous and respectful manner towards others.  All users are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not interfere with another person’s enjoyment of the facility.


  • Refrain from behavior, dress or language that is abusive, threatening or disruptive to others.  Refrain from harassing other patrons or staff (this includes, but is not limited to, photographing, touching, following, stalking, invasion of personal space, or staring).


  • Refrain from speaking in loud tones or using abusive, insulting, or threatening language (this includes, but is not limited to, profanity and discriminatory language in reference to age, background, personal philosophy, religious belief, occupation, sexual orientation, economic level, ethnic origin, or human condition.)


  • Respect personal belongings of others and NRH Centre property.  Destruction or defacement of City property including littering is prohibited.


  • Responsibly secure your own personal belongings.  Do not leave personal items unattended. The NRH Centre is not liable for items lost, damaged or stolen on NRH Centre property.


  • It is not permissible to leave children under the age of 10 unattended in the NRH Centre.


  • It is not permissible to leave vulnerable adults unattended in the NRH Centre.


  • Refrain from bringing pets or animals, other than authorized service animals, into the NRH Centre.


  • Act honestly.  Sharing membership cards is considered theft of service and falsifying NRH Centre membership forms is considered forgery.  It is also your responsibility to notify staff in a timely manner of any address, phone number or household changes.


  • Keep the NRH Centre a substance-free environment and immediately report all alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarette, and illegal drug use.


  • Refrain from photography or video-taping of individuals or images in the facility. Prior department consent is required.


  • Any illegal activity, including but not limited to the following, will result in loss of NRH Centre privileges and law enforcement intervention will be pursued:
    -Engaging in any activity in violation of Federal, State, local or other applicable laws.
    -Stealing, damaging, altering or attempting to alter any property of the NRH Centre or its patrons while on NRH Centre property.
    -Striking, kicking, or otherwise being physically aggressive towards another person.

  • Soliciting individuals in the NRH Centre for personal business or agencies without prior approval from facility management is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to, posting flyers, business card and/or advertising materials.  The NRH Centre is a closed-training facility. Private or group instruction, training or coaching of any type is not permitted unless contracted through the NRH Centre.

  • Follow all written rules and guidelines as well as verbal directions and instructions by staff.  Any NRH Centre staff member is authorized to determine whether a NRH Centre patron is not abiding by these or other NRH Centre rules and regulations.  The NRH Centre reserves the right to respond to any and all conduct not expressly set forth herein but which is deemed by NRH Centre staff to unreasonably interfere with the use of the NRH Centre by other patrons or interfere with the performance of duties by NRH Centre employees. The NRH Centre will take all necessary steps to enforce this Code of Conduct.  Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in the suspension and/or revocation of your facility privileges and forfeiture of paid fees.


  • Any patron who loses NRH Centre privileges may request an appeal. A written appeal shall state why NRH Centre privileges should be restored. The NRH Centre Manager or a designee will respond to the appeal in writing within seven calendar days of the date the appeal was received.

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