The NRH Athletics Division offers year round adult sports leagues, youth volleyball leagues and special events which promote an active, enriched lifestyle for participants. Additionally, youth sports camps are offered during the summer to provide positive, active and healthy experiences for area youth.
Adult Athletics
The NRH Centre provides a variety of Adult Athletic Leagues throughout the course of the year including Men's and Coed Softball, Coed Volleyball, and Coed Pickleball. Each league have team and free agent options. Join our sports email list here to make sure you receive all upcoming athletic leagues.
Current teams may register directly on our website by visiting the activity registration page here or by reaching out to our Athletic Coordinator, Jordan Hyman at or by calling 817.427.6615.
To check current league status and registration dates please visit our scheduling and scoring site, TeamSideline.
Youth Sports Associations
The majority of youth sports conducted within North Richland Hills are
organized by various local Youth Sports Associations.
All of the associations are coordinated by volunteers within the community. For more information about specific youth sports or general questions about registration for upcoming seasons please contact the Youth Sports Association of your choice.
For soccer contact:
Birdville Area Youth Futbol Alliance (BAYFA)
For baseball, basketball, cheerleading and football contact:
Richland Youth Association (RYA)
For all other questions Contact Jordan Hyman, NRH Centre Athletic Coordinator at